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“I did not know Jean, and one day I received a message from him with his story, and I was very moved. Above all, the phrase:” One achieves what is difficult and attempts the impossible. “. That put into words a feeling I always had or a way of facing a life that I always had. I liked it a lot. I connected with it. He sent me the material from the Himalayas. I found it to be an exciting story of overcoming, and I really like people who suffer problems and not only do not fall but get up on the positive side. So that was the trigger, it was a message from him.”
Juan José Campanella

The Adventure of Breaking Limits
The Adventure of Breaking Limits
“The adventure of breaking limits is the fruit of long talks with Jean, in which my admiration for his overwhelming personality awoke and a strong friendship came about. Writing the book was a great challenge and involved discovering all the nuances of this man who Today is an example for thousands of people with motor problems in the world. Without a doubt, one of my greatest professional pride!”
Carlos Marcó
Challenge Himalaya
Jean Ignacio Maggi
“Adventure in the Himalayas”
Juan Ignacio Maggi, Argentine, has suffered from polio since he was a year old. The consequences of the disease have affected his lower limbs to the point of making it impossible for him to walk without the help of Canadian-style canes. In July 2015, he undertook a challenging journey on his hand bike. After traveling 420 km distributed in 11 stages, he reached the highest motorized pass on the planet. Located in northern India, the “Khardung La” pass is part of the extensive Himalayan range and is located 5460 meters above sea level.